The best way to predict future is to invent it.

- Alan Kay


01 May 2023:

Development of novel anti-colon cancer drugs

Syntab Therapeutics is the leading partner of a novel project called NovoKolon. Funded by the initiative “ZukunftBio.NRW” initiated by the state Northrhine-Westphalia, two renowned academic groups under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University Hospital support Syntab Therapeutics in the development of ISEr-based drugs against colon cancer. NovoKolon has a total volume of approx. 1 million Euro. As part of the initiative, Syntab’s ISErs will be tested in a novel tissue based colon model that offers best predictions of the drugs‘ behaviour in subsequent clinical studies.

01 April 2022:

ISErs to be tested in novel mamma explant model

Syntab Therapeutics is the leading partner of a novel initiative called MammaExplant. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), two SME and a renowned academic institute are to develop the explant in order avoid animal trials when testing drugs against mamma tumors in the future. The initiative has a volume of approx. 600.000 Euro. As part of the initiative, Syntab’s ISErs will be tested in the novel model in direct comparison to their application in a rodent model. Explants are models based on human tissue of different donors and offer best predictions of the drugs‘ behaviour in subsequent clinical studies.

01 November 2019:

Syntab Therapeutics leads new Taktira initiative 

Taktira is the name of a new initiative with a total volume of more than 3 million Euro that has been approved by the state NRW. Syntab Therapeutics will co-ordinate this initiative with eight partners in total. Gremse-IT, Aachen, TECO Development, Rheinbach, and Black Drop Biodrucker, Aachen, together with 4 academic partners, the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging and the Clinic for Gynaecology of the University Hospital Aachen as well as the Institute for Biological Chemistry of the University of Vienna are the partners. The consortium is up to develop a new class of immuno-oncologics activating the innate immune system while showing higher efficacy and better bioavailability than existing compounds.

28 October 2018:

Syntab Therapeutics up to co-operate on a high-throughput binder generation approach

Syntab Therapeutics has signed an agreement with Efficient Robotics GmbH, Kornwestheim, Germany, in order to create an innovative binder peptide unit capable to synthesize and screen thousands of potential binders within short time. With the help of Efficient Robotics’s microfluidics technology, this unit is up to be realized. A proof-of-principle has already been shown. The co-operation enables Syntab Therapeutics to realize novel immunooncologic drug molecules with strong binding specificities for diverse targets in short time.

14 October 2016:

EFRE NRW grant for TNBC initiative

Syntab Therapeutics is leading the project consortium I3-STM with a total volume of about 3 million Euro. The project is supported by EFRE and the state Northrhine-Westphalia. Next to Syntab, the companies Taros Chemicals, Dortmund, Gremse-IT, Aachen, and TECO Development, Rheinbach, co-operate with 3 academic partners, the Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, the Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging as well as the Medical Clinic III of the University Hospital Aachen.